AfghanistanConstitution de 2004 |
Article 16 1) From among the languages of Pashto, Dari, Uzbeki, Turkmani, Baluchi, Pashai, Nuristani, Pamiri (alsana), Arab and other languages spoken in the country, Pashto and Dari are the official languages of the state. 2) The Turkic languages (Uzbaki and Turkmen), Baluchi, Pashai, Nuristani and Pamiri (alsana) are – in addition to Pashto and Dari – the third official language in areas where the majority speaks them. The practical modalities for implementation of this provision shall be specified by law. 3) The state adopts and implements effective plans for strengthening, and developing all languages of Afghanistan. 4) Publications and radio and television broadcasting are allowed in all languages spoken in the country. Article 43 1) Education is the right of all citizens of Afghanistan, which shall be provided up to the level of the B.A. (lisâns), free of charge by the state. 2) The state is obliged to devise and implement effective programs for a balanced expansion of education all over Afghanistan, and to provide compulsory intermediate level education. 3) The state is also required to provide the opportunity to teach native languages in the areas where they are spoken. Article 135 If parties involved in a case do not know the language in which the trial is conducted, they have the right to understand the material and documents related to the case through an interpreter and the right to speak in their mother language in the court. |
Article 16 1) Parmi le pachtou, le dari, l'ouzkek, le turkmène, le baloutchi, le pashai, le nuristani, le pamiri (alsana), l'arabe et les autres langues parlées dans le pays, le pashto et le dari sont les langues officielles de l'État. 2) Les langues turciques (ouzbaki et turkmène), baloutchi, pashai, nuristani et pamiri (alsana) sont, en plus du pachtou et du dari, la troisième langue officielle dans les régions où la majorité de la population parle ces langues. Les modalités pratiques pour la mise en œuvre de cette disposition seront précisées conformément à la loi. 3)
L'état adopte et met en œuvre des programmes efficaces pour le renforcement et
le développement toutes les langues de l'Afghanistan. 3) L'État est également dans l'obligation de prévoir la possibilité d'enseigner les langues indigènes dans les régions où elles sont parlées.
Article 135 |
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